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REISHI (Ganoderma Lucidum) Organic Powder


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Reishi (lingzhi mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum) is one of the most valuable mushrooms in traditional Chinese medicine. Translated, it means “divine mushroom of immortality.” Its effects have been used for more than 4,000 years.

Thanks to biofermentation and subsequent processing with the double extraction method (first extracted with water and then with alcohol), we offer high-quality Reishi extracts in the ideal proportion of active ingredients to obtain the best results:
About Reishi
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum, lingzhi mushroom) is a wood-decomposing fungus in the Polyporaceae family. We find it mainly in dead tree trunks or stumps. Their sporocarps are semicircular and usually 6 to 12 cm in diameter and have a glossy lacquer layer, from which the Czech name of the fungus (lesklokorka) is derived.

Reishi (ganoderma) makes its home in Asia, where it is also called the “divine mushroom of immortality.” It is an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, which has used it for more than 4,000 years. Reishi (ganoderma) is also mentioned in the basic work of Chinese medicine, in the Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor. It was so rare in those days that it was intended only for the emperor and his family. And it was not only used in Chinese medicine, but also as a powerful talisman for happiness and protection from all evil. The monks of Taoist monasteries used Reishi (ganoderma) before meditation, for its ability to calm Shen’s soul. It is also used by Russian astronauts or Sherpas in the high altitudes of the Himalayas for its ability to regenerate and activate body functions.

Reishi mushroom can activate immune responses and helps maintain a healthy circulatory system. At the same time, it helps to lower cholesterol levels naturally. The reishi mushroom contains many bioactive substances that make it unique. Reishi, in addition to vitamins, minerals, also includes a large number of polysaccharides, beta-glucans, ganoderans, and also steroids, cyclic esters – lactones, triterpenes, including ganoderic acid or lanostans, etc. We use 6-9 month old sporocarps for our production. , since the concentration of active ingredients is maximum at this age. In older mushrooms, the concentration of active ingredients gradually decreases and the effect is less efficient.