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Welcome to Soutikuna, the social network that connects the communities and cultures of the Amazon! At Soutikuna, we don’t just create connections; We celebrate diversity, share fascinating stories, and build bridges between the rich traditions of the Amazon region.

General description:

Soutikuna is a digital space where Indigenous voices are elevated, stories intertwine, and communities find a virtual home. Our platform is designed to foster respect, understanding and preservation of the cultural wealth of the Amazon.

Main Features:

Connecting Communities:

Soutikuna provides a safe and authentic space for indigenous communities to connect, share experiences and strengthen their bonds.
Culture and traditions:

Celebrate cultural diversity by promoting events, festivals and activities that highlight the unique traditions of Amazonian communities.
First Person Stories:

It allows users to share their stories and perspectives directly, providing an authentic view of life in the Amazon.
Environmental Preservation:

Promotes environmental awareness and the preservation of the Amazon rainforest through educational campaigns, sustainable projects and collaborations with environmental organizations.
Art and Crafts:

It highlights the incredible art and crafts of indigenous communities, providing a virtual marketplace where users can directly support local artists.
Indigenous Languages:

Facilitates the preservation of indigenous languages by providing translation tools and promoting the teaching and learning of indigenous languages.
Active participation:

Encourages active participation through cultural challenges, knowledge sharing, and cross-community collaborations.
Commitment to Sustainability:

Soutikuna is committed to sustainability and social responsibility. We work closely with local communities, environmental organizations and cultural preservation experts to ensure a positive and lasting impact.

Join the Soutikuna Community:

Discover, connect and celebrate at Soutikuna. Join us to be part of a unique network that goes beyond digital borders, connecting hearts and cultures in the vast and amazing Amazon. Welcome to Soutikuna, where diversity is our greatest wealth!