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Snuff Rapé Murici Tobacco Ancestral Medicine Powder

(3 customer reviews)


Murici Powder Tobacco

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Byrsonima crassifólia (L.) Rich

POPULAR NAMES: murici da praia or murici do brejo

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Murici Powder Tobacco 05 gr., 10 gr, 20 gr.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Byrsonima crassifólia (L.) Rich

POPULAR NAMES: murici-da-praia or murici-do-brejo

CHAKRAS: Basic (adrenal glands, telecommunication energy absorption) – EARTH ELEMENT and Umbilical Chakras (Pancreas Gland, lower emotions) FIRE

Murici is a plant present throughout Latin America, where around 130 species of muricis have been identified. The name of this tree is of Tupi origin and means “small tree”. Existing species in Brazil can be found in a wide range that includes areas of the Amazon Rainforest, states of the Southeast, Midwest and also the Northeast. In this region, more specifically in the Caatinga, the flowering period is just after the rains.

It acts on the physical by cleaning the energies that accumulate in the lower abdomen.

BENEFITS: Anti-inflammatory, fever-reducing, gastrointestinal tract and in the fight against diarrhea. It reduces symptoms of the common cold, which include inflammation, runny nose, and pain.

Body relaxation, stress reduction, anxiety reduction, anguish and depression.


Snuff is a power medicine that connects you with the energy of Youshibu (God of Creation). It acts both spiritually and healing. It should be used only for these purposes, properly in a prepared environment.

Snuff is made from a combination of ground organic tobacco and ashes from sacred trees with medicinal properties.

Our tobacco is 100% natural, free of pesticides and chemicals.

The medicinal properties of tobacco make it aid in the healing of physical ailments. Each snuff has its own healing properties.

Our snuff is made with a lot of respect, dedication, love and faith. It goes through a screening process to become extra fine to the point of talc, which facilitates the reception of tobacco in the body, spreading and expanding more efficiently.

After this process it is energized with stones and crystals and a pyramid, in addition to a period under lights (chromotherapy).

Its part of spiritual connection is very intense, because tobacco has passed through our sacred prayers for several days in a row with the aim of the spirit of tobacco to identify the need of the body and spirit.

Tobacco helps to enhance the strength of the Ayahuasca power plant and also in spiritual cleansing.

For its use, it is very important that the person is prepared to receive the spirit of the forest through tobacco. It is necessary to have a “clean” body, in a conducive environment and mainly for the purpose of consecrating this sacred medicine. The person applying also requires preparation, concentration, faith purpose, and blowing technique. Therefore, you will have the maximum use of the medicine.