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Chacruna – Psychotria Viridis 100% Organic Natural Powder.

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Psychotria viridis, also known as chacruna, belongs to the Rubiaceae (the family of the coffee plant). P. viridis contains a large amount of psychedelic triptamines (DMT), and is best known for its curative use as an additive to Ayahuasca.


P. viridis or chacruna is used today essentially to prepare ayahuasca, a psychedelic infusion. The effects can be described as a physical and mental cleansing, and at the same time a 4-hour connection with the imperceptible.

The intensity of the “trip” depends on many factors, for the majority of the users it is necessary that they acquire experience and therefore at the beginning the effects will be slight. Most experience something similar to a low dose of psilocybe mushrooms or a tripi. They may also suffer from stomach cramps during the first two hours.


Do not underestimate how impressive the experience can be and always start with a low dosage if you’re still not familiar with Ayahuasca. In most recipes 25 grams is a low dosage and 75 a high.

If you have never prepared Ayahuasca before, keep in mind that almost no one is successful the first time. For most the preparation of a good Ayahuasca is the result of years of testing and experimenting.

For the Ayahuasca, chacruna is usually cooked in water. Depending on the manufacturer’s method, the preparation lasts from one hour to one day. Sometimes B. caapi or another plant is added to the same pot, and other times it has its own pot. Common cooking times vary between 4 to 12 hours. Once in a while vinegar or lemon juice is added to speed up the extraction.

Anyway, the resulting liquid is reduced, until a small amount of drink is left, which is then drunk on an empty stomach.