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Chacruna – Psychotria Viridis 100% Organic Natural Paste Pure

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This extract was traditionally made with only fresh and wild artisanal Chacruna vine and nothing else with water.

Very powerful and fresh from Peru.

30 grams of vine was converted into 1 gram of this beautiful and powerful resin extract.

This product has NOT been treated with any type of pesticide, herbicide or any other harmful chemical.

Common names: Chacruna, Chacrona, Oprito, Sami Ruca, Chaqruy, Amiruka, Amiruca Panga, O-pri-to, Kawa, Rami Appane, Suija, Tupamaqui, Yage, Cahua (Shipibo-Conibo), Horova (Campa), Oprito ( Kofan), Rainha.

Psychotria viridis (Chacruna) is the main companion of Banisteriopsis Caapi since it is the mixed plant most commonly associated with Ayahuasca. Although (Chaliponga, Chagropanga) is preferred by many Ayahuascaros throughout the Amazon in western Colombia and northern Peru and the current use of Chaliponga in Ayahuasca may be more common than Chacruna, in general.

100% organic Peruvian chacruna (Psychotria Viridis)


Consume between 20 and 30 grams of pasta per person.

Dissolve in a little warm water between 2 to 5 ounces, let cool and drink.

The exact dose is determined by a shaman according to the resistance of the patient’s body.

For safety reasons, it is recommended to drink under the supervision of a shaman who is an expert in this medicine.


Our products are not certified by the FDA or Health Canada for human or animal consumption. They are sold for incense and soap making, decorative purposes, and / or legitimate ethnobotanical research. Our products are not sold or intended for human or animal consumption. Information provided about plants is for academic purposes only and is not intended to be used for medical purposes. Tikuna Amazon, its suppliers, agents, employees and distributors are not responsible for the misuse of the products offered.