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Organic Ceremonial CACAO (Theobroma Cacao) Pasta


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The Cacao that we present to you is a species that we call Peruvian Amazonian Cacao which is a type of cacao “Theobroma cacao” where we could say that it is a Native Cacao that grows only in this area, this Cacao stands out for its intense flavor product of the hours of sun accumulated during the year by cocoa plantations, their alkaline soils, with an optimal salinization level for cultivation and the type of clay loam texture, watered with alkaline pH waters, with good electrical conductivity.

This Cacao is harvested only mature pods and the beans result from maintaining a mixture of beans from native cacao mainly yellow and red with a small percentage of porcelain cocoa. This combination of the Cacao production area allows that during the processing of the bean to ferment and dry a bean with the particular characteristics of the purest Cacao flavor.