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CAT’S CLAW (Uncaria Tomentosa)

(3 customer reviews)


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The Uncaria tomentosa Willd DC. (Rubiaceae), commonly known as cat’s claw or yellow squiggle, grows in the jungles with abundant light in South America, in countries such as Peru, Colombia or Bolivia.
Mainly the roots and barks are used, although the young leaves and branches can also be used.

The most important group of active principles in the chemical composition of this plant is that of its numerous alkaloids, these being basic, nitrogenous compounds, which are generally endowed with marked activities and / or toxicity. Compared to other plant species, including those in the genus Uncaria, cat’s claw contains them in unusual abundance.

Pharmacological properties

In our country, Uncaria tomentosa is classified as an anti-inflammatory medicinal plant. But at present, numerous studies of interest have been published on its pharmacological properties, showing that Uncaria tomentosa has cytostatic, antimutagenic, antiviral, immunostimulating, antiradical properties and, in high doses, a contraceptive effect.

Anti-inflammatory effect

On the one hand, its anti-inflammatory activity has been proven in both in vivo and in vitro studies. This activity has been attributed, at least in part, to quinovic acid glycosides. But it has also been seen that this effect is less if the isolated kinovic acid heterosides are used than if extracts of the drug are used, so it is very likely that this biological activity is enhanced by other compounds that act synergistically.
Anti-mutagenic and cytostatic effect
In this sense, the scientific evidences are still few, but they point towards the use of Uncaria tomentosa in the prevention and treatment of cancer, since they reveal a beneficial action in the different phases of the disease.
Also, extracts of the drug have been shown to exhibit cytostatic activity in human homopoietic tumors. Other studies show an inhibitory effect on abnormal cell proliferation due to a direct action on DNA polymerases.
Immunostimulating effect

Likewise, Uncaria tomentosa has been shown to have strong immunostimulatory activity, and the total extracts of the plant are more effective than the isolated components.

Cat’s claw has also been shown to increase the phagocytic activity of neutrophilic granulocytes and macrophages and increase the number of monocytes in active phases of the peripheral circulation. There is no alteration in the proliferation of T lymphocytes under normal conditions, but there is an increase in the presence of antigens.

The pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids (especially isomitrafillin and pteropodin) induce the release of the regulatory factor for the proliferation of lymphocytes in human endothelial cells, a property not attributable to the tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids, but quite the opposite, since they seem to reduce the activity of the pentacyclics of dose-dependent form in these cells. It appears that the tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids act on the central nervous system, while the pentacyclic ones act on the immune system, and that both groups of compounds are found in two different chemotypes in the plant. In view of the fact that the mechanism of action of the tetracyclic and pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids can be antagonistic to each other, it is of great importance to determine the chemotype through analysis and the adequate standardization of the plant.
Powerful anti-inflammatory, used to combat bone diseases of different etiologies: arthritis, asthma, gastritis, dermal and urogenital inflammation, etc. Gastric ulcers, diabetes, viral processes, degenerative diseases: strengthens the immune system against AIDS and helps to cure cancer, convalescence and general weakness, regulates the menstrual cycle.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

100 gr., 200 gr., 400 gr., 50 gr., 800 gr.

3 reviews for CAT’S CLAW (Uncaria Tomentosa)

  1. Kathlene

    “Cat’s Claw has been my salvation. After years of struggling with health problems, I finally found relief thanks to this natural medicine. I feel revitalized and full of energy like never before! 100% recommended!”

  2. Rafael A.

    “La Uña de Gato ha sido mi aliada confiable durante años. Su efectividad en fortalecer mi sistema inmunológico y aliviar la inflamación es incomparable. ¡Un verdadero tesoro de la naturaleza!”

  3. Fierve P.

    “Cat’s Claw has been my reliable ally to strengthen my immune system and keep me balanced! Thanks to this wonderful natural medicine, I feel more in tune with my body and my environment!”

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