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Rapé Snuff Lourinho Amazoniam.


  • For the purchase of 100 gr. of snuff claim a Kuripe.
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Lourinho Snuff.

Lourinho is a snuff that acts on vitality, happiness and prosperity. He is a symbol of wealth that shows triumph and victory. He can also purify and honor the ancestors. So if you’re feeling stressed or in a bad mood, just proceed with snuffing.


Snuff is a power medicine that connects you with the energy of Youshibu (God of Creation). Acts both spiritually and healing. It must be used only for these purposes, duly in a prepared environment.

Our tobacco is 100% natural, free of pesticides and chemicals.

The medicinal properties of tobacco make it help in the healing of ailments of the physical body. Each tobacco has its healing properties.

The snuff helps to enhance the strength of the Ayahuasca energy plant and also in spiritual cleansing.

For its use, it is very important that the person is prepared to receive the spirit of the forest through tobacco. It is necessary to have a “clean” body, in a propitious environment and mainly for the purpose of consecrating this sacred medicine. The person who will apply it also requires preparation, concentration, purpose, faith and blowing technique. Therefore, he will have the maximum use of the medicine.


Precautions in the handling of Rapé

Our snuffs are made with all the hygiene and protection care to guarantee that there is no external contamination, in the temple where our rituals are carried out, which is closed and constantly sanitized, both physically and spiritually.

– During use, wash your hands and application instruments (tipi and/or kuripes) thoroughly.

Very important:

If this is the first time you are acquiring tobacco medicine and you are not aware of its proper and safe use, we recommend that you seek the guidance of someone with experience, so that your curative purposes are achieved. For this, we have a team of therapists. and qualified tutors to accompany the processes of entering the field of forest healing medicines, we are at your disposal!

Additional information


10 gr., 100 gr., 20 gr., 50 gr.


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