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Sananga Native Amazon Eye Drops 15 ml. (Tabernamontana Sananho)

(5 customer reviews)


10 in stock


Sananga is an indigenous medicine made from plant roots and water, and applied directly to the eyes. The Indians say that this medicine cures various diseases that affect vision (such as glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, dystrophies, color changes, among others) and even increases the ability to see. It brings clarity to the mind and keeps us awake, clears the nasal passages and eyeball, as well as the energy meridians, which flow throughout the entire body. They use it in cases of illness, irritation or in cases of poor eyesight, in ceremonies where other medicines such as snuff and ayahuasca are also used, and also for hunting. According to them, Sananga brings an opening to the spiritual path, aligning the person on the path; and if the person, in its first use, feels a lot of burning in the applied region, as well as feeling strong effects in the whole body, it would mean that such person would not find himself spiritually aligned.

Origin: Brazil, Kuntanawa tribe

How to use: apply one or two drops inside each eye, preferably with the person in a horizontal position. After application, eyes should remain closed until they stop burning.
Effects: The person will feel a strong vibration, and various degrees of burning may occur, a sensation that usually takes 3 to 5 minutes to pass. After that, the person will have a greater perception of colors, the shapes will be more defined and the mind clearer. The first experience of using Sananga is usually stronger than the others that follow. Some treatments have miraculous effects from the first applications, others may take a little longer for such effects to be felt.

Risks: Sananga’s strength can vary greatly. In case of using a strong preparation, it is important to take a break of a few days before the next application. A strong Sananga will cause intense burning, as it will act to remove the first layer that lines the eyes, where we accumulate dust and bacteria, in order to heal the eye and improve vision.

Important to know: Continued use of a strong sananga preparation can damage other layers of the eye, which can be dangerous.

Storage: Sananga eye drops can be stored for a few weeks without refrigeration. Keep in the refrigerator for better conservation.

5 reviews for Sananga Native Amazon Eye Drops 15 ml. (Tabernamontana Sananho)

  1. Luisa (Colombia)

    Esta gota mágica me dejo los ojos bien reluciente y muy buenas, gracias a nuestra amada naturaleza

  2. Antonio

    This message is unbeatable))), I really like it 🙂
    Excuse me, I interfere, but in my opinion magic drops are good it greatly improved my eyesight.

  3. Rose M.

    “Sananga drops are truly magical for your eyes. After using them, I experienced incredible visual clarity and a feeling of renewal in my eyes. An invaluable tool for those who value their eye health and seek clearer vision!”

  4. Ana Maria P.

    “Las gotas de Sananga han sido una verdadera bendición para mis ojos. Su efecto revitalizante y clarificador es asombroso. solo hay un detalle que hace doler la vista pero luego de aliviara vez la magia de las gotas. ¡Una solución natural que realmente ha mejorado mi visión y mi calidad de vida!”

  5. Alberto M.

    “Las gotas de Sananga han sido una verdadera bendición para mis ojos. Su aplicación regular ha mejorado mi visión y aliviado la tensión ocular de manera notable. ¡Una medicina verdaderamente mágica para la salud visual!”

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