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SAN PEDRO – (Trichocereus / Echinopsis pachanoi) Huachuma – Captus Powder

(8 customer reviews)


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San Pedro – Huachuma 

San Pedro, otherwise known by its botanical name: Echinopsis pachanoi or Trichocereus pachanoi, is a naturally mescaline-containing cactus.

It is native to San Pedro and it’s shape has caused it to be cultivated for decoration. It has been used for religious healing and divination in the Andes Mountains for over 3,000 years. This magical plant helpd with deep healings and transformations on a physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual level. Also known as Huachuma, it teaches you many deep lessons, if you listen deeply and then integrate the teachings into your lives henceforth.


TIKUNA AMAZON products are obtained and commercialized in a pure and 100% natural origin to native communities and do not contain any type of pesticide, chemical, herbicide or any other substance that is artificial.


The effects of this product are backed by the empirical experience of ancient traditional medicine with excellent results and the absence of harmful side effects if administered within the correct dosage. The information identified here is not in any way an ordinance or a prescription, the use of these natural products does not replace a medical consultation.

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Weight N/A

100 gr., 200 gr., 400 gr., 50 gr., 800 gr.

8 reviews for SAN PEDRO – (Trichocereus / Echinopsis pachanoi) Huachuma – Captus Powder

  1. Asovi Fomu

    “The experience with San Pedro Huachuma medicine was transformative. It allowed me to connect deeply with myself and with nature, giving me mental clarity and a sense of inner peace that lasts. A truly revealing and healing experience!” thanks for the medicine

  2. Elmer Y.

    SAN PEDRO – (Trichocereus / Echinopsis pachanoi) Huachuma – Captus Powder | Tikuna Amazon
    I liked it a lot and it is very relaxing, it feels super relaxed. Thank you

  3. Ana Maria P.

    “¡Increíble experiencia con la medicina San Pedro Huachuma! Me ayudó a conectarme profundamente conmigo mismo y con la naturaleza. Una jornada de sanación y revelación que nunca olvidaré.” gracias por compartir

  4. Rahul Paz

    “¡Increíble experiencia con la medicina San Pedro Huachuma! Me ayudó a conectarme profundamente conmigo mismo y con la naturaleza. Una jornada transformadora llena de claridad y paz interior. ¡Altamente recomendado!”

  5. Tatiana R.

    “De geneeskunde van San Pedro (Huachuma) gaf mij een eye-openende en genezende ervaring. Het hielp mij om op een diepe en betekenisvolle manier contact te maken met mijn innerlijke zelf. Een transformatieve ervaring die ik zou aanbevelen aan iedereen die op zoek is naar zelfkennis en genezing!”

  6. Rose M.

    “La experiencia con la medicina San Pedro Huachuma fue verdaderamente transformadora. Sentí una conexión profunda con la naturaleza y conmigo mismo, una claridad mental y emocional que nunca antes había experimentado. Fue un viaje de autodescubrimiento y sanación que nunca olvidaré.”

  7. George Prify

    “L’esperienza con la medicina San Pedro Huachuma è stata trasformativa. Ho sentito una profonda connessione con la natura e un rinnovato senso di chiarezza mentale. Sicuramente un’esperienza che consiglierei a chiunque cerchi la conoscenza di sé e la guarigione emotiva.”

  8. Ronald Droky

    “San Pedro Huachuma medicine has given me a transformative and eye-opening experience. Connecting with nature and yourself on such a deep level is truly amazing. I recommend this medicine to those seeking a path to healing and inner understanding.”

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