It is a powerful regenerator and rejuvenator of tissues.
It is also healing and anti-inflammatory. It is especially indicated for dryness of the nasal mucosa and inflammation.
The rose has an inspiring scent of purity, love and compassion.
Calms the emotions, especially in cases of depression.
Allow yourself to feel the power of roses.
This rapé is more expensive than the rest, since many trucks of rose leaves are needed to create the essence with which this rapé is made. It is not easy to get but it has a powerful mystical force.
Composition: Roses, native ash and native tobacco.
Ana Maria P. –
“El rapé amazónico de rosas es una experiencia sublime. Su aroma delicado y su efecto calmante hacen que cada inhalación sea un momento de pura serenidad. ¡Imprescindible en mi rutina diaria!”
Timur A. –
“Amazonian rose snuff is pure magic. Its aroma is heavenly and its calming effect is simply wonderful. A truly enchanting experience!”
Dany G. –
“Amazon rose snuff is a sublime experience. Its aroma and soft effect transport me to a state of calm and deep connection. I love it!”
Tatiana R. –
“El rapé amazónico de rosas es una experiencia verdaderamente encantadora. Su aroma suave y floral me transporta a un estado de calma y claridad instantánea. ¡Una joya para mis rituales de meditación!” gracias…..