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Rapé Snuff Amazonian Angico


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Amazonian Angico snuff is a variant of snuff that is made with specific ingredients from the Amazon region, in this case, Angico (Anadenanthera colubrina), also known as “Angico-do-Cerrado”. Angico is a tree found in various parts of South America and has been traditionally used by various indigenous cultures for its medicinal and ritual properties. Here are some properties attributed to Angico Amazonian snuff:

Medicinal properties: Angico has a long history of use in the traditional medicine of some indigenous cultures. It is believed to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, and has been used to treat a variety of ailments, such as muscle and joint pain, fever and gastrointestinal problems.
Emotional and spiritual effects: Angico Amazonian snuff is said to have emotional and spiritual effects, helping to calm the mind, reduce anxiety and promote mental clarity. Some people use it in ritual ceremonies and shamanic practices to facilitate spiritual connection and introspection.
Purification and cleansing: As with other types of snuff, Angico Amazonian snuff is often used to purify and cleanse the body and mind. It is believed to help eliminate negative energies, promote emotional and spiritual balance, and facilitate healing.
Connection with nature: Angico is valued by some indigenous cultures for its connection with nature and the spirits of the Amazon rainforest. Angico Amazonian Snuff can help facilitate this connection and provide a sense of harmony with the natural environment.
It is important to note that Angico Amazonian Snuff, like other types of snuff and similar substances, may have health risks and side effects. If you are considering its use, it is advisable to do so with caution and, if possible, under the guidance of people with experience in its preparation and proper use. Additionally, it is always advisable to consult a health professional before trying any substance for therapeutic purposes.

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10 gr., 100 gr., 20 gr., 50 gr.


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