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MIMOSA HOSTILIS POWDER – (Jurema Preta) – 100% Pure Natural Root

Mimosa hostilis, also known as “Jurema” in Brazil, is a tree native to the northeastern region of Brazil, mainly in the states of Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia and Paraíba. It is a plant notable for its beauty and for its various applications in traditional medicine and in the indigenous culture of the region.

Physically, Mimosa hostilis is a small tree that can grow to about 8-10 meters in height. It has a dark, rough bark, and its leaves are compound and bipinnate, meaning they are divided into small leaflets. The flowers are small, white or pink, and grouped in dense clusters. The fruits are elongated pods that contain seeds.

Mimosa hostilis prefers to grow in sandy, dry soils, typical of the semi-desert region of northeastern Brazil. It is drought resistant and can survive in adverse weather conditions. It is usually found in caatinga areas, a unique ecosystem characterized by its lack of rain and vegetation adapted to aridity.

In traditional medicine of the region, various parts of Mimosa hostilis are used for therapeutic purposes. The bark contains a large amount of alkaloids, such as N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a psychoactive compound used in ritual ceremonies in some indigenous communities. In addition, its potential as a treatment for various diseases has been studied, although more research is required to confirm its medicinal properties.

In summary, Mimosa hostilis is a fascinating plant that is an integral part of the ecosystem of northeastern Brazil, with a rich cultural history and a variety of uses in both traditional medicine and indigenous ceremonial practices.


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100 gr., 200 gr., 400 gr., 50 gr., 900 gr.


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