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MAPACHO BIG MAZO (Nicotiana Rustic) Fresh – Cut Roll

(3 customer reviews)


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Mapacho Big Mazo (Nicotiana Rustica) 

Among the natural Mapacho herbs found in the Amazon region, Mapacho is one of the most essential plants, followed closely by ayahuasca. This substance has been used for centuries by the indigenous people of this region for its medicinal and spiritual properties. Mapacho was exclusively used by shamans and forbidden to the common folk since it was a very strong substance that could be fatal if not used in checked doses. Mapacho is a plant helps the user achieve enhanced spiritual and physical abilities and helps communicate closely with the natural spirits and to predict hunts, weather, and so on.


TIKUNA AMAZON products Mapacho are obtained and commercialized in a pure and 100% natural origin to native communities and do not contain any type of pesticide, chemical, herbicide or any other substance that is artificial.


The effects of this product are backed by the empirical experience of ancient traditional medicine with excellent results and the absence of harmful side effects if administered within the correct dosage. The information identified here is not in any way an ordinance or a prescription, the use of these natural products does not replace a medical consultation.

Additional information

Weight 0.450 kg
Dimensions 45 × 8 × 8 cm

Full roll, Half roll

3 reviews for MAPACHO BIG MAZO (Nicotiana Rustic) Fresh – Cut Roll

  1. Rose M.

    “The organic Mapacho tobacco I purchased exceeded my expectations. Its aroma and quality are exceptional, and I appreciate the fact that it is organic, which gives it a purer and more natural flavor. Using it in my ceremonies and rituals has been an enriching experience and “I will definitely continue purchasing this product and recommend it to other spiritual seekers.”

  2. Davide Read

    “Il tabacco Mapacho biologico che ho acquistato era semplicemente eccezionale. La sua qualità e purezza si notano fin dal primo momento. Un’esperienza autentica e rivitalizzante in ogni cerimonia!”

  3. Edgar G.

    “El tabaco de mapacho orgánico superó mis expectativas. Su calidad y pureza se reflejaron en su aroma y sabor suaves. Una experiencia auténtica y satisfactoria en cada ceremonia.” gracias por compartir y facilitarnos bendiciones…..

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