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GUAYABA (Psidium Guajaba) Natural powder


GUAYABA (Psidium Guajaba)

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GUAYABA (Psidium Guajaba) 100% Natural powder has a high content of vitamins C and A. It also contains vitamins B2, E and K, fiber, calcium, copper, folate, iron, manganese, phosphorus and potassium.

Possible health benefits of guava leaves:

1. They help in weight loss
2. They help calm gastrointestinal problems
3. Reduce the effects of diabetes
4. They help fight diseases like tumors
5. They help heal colds
6. Reduce the side effects of allergies
7. May soothe swollen gums, oral sores, or mild toothaches (chewing)
8. Help reduce acne (crushed)
9. Help with signs of premature aging
10. They can prevent hair loss
11. They can help control your blood pressure
12. They can keep your brain healthy
13. They can maintain healthy thyroid function
14. Help relieve constipation
15. They can help improve eyesight

Additional information


100 gr., 200 gr., 400 gr., 50 gr., 800 gr.


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