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COPAL INCENSE (Protium Cubense) 100% Pure Resin

(2 customer reviews)


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Copal Incense

Copal is a plant resin obtained from Bursera trees. Copal is included within the Burseraceae family of the order of the Sapindales. The Burseráceas have compound and aromatic leaves.

The resin naturally exists in the bark of the trunk, and has been highly valued since ancient times to make incense, perfumes and used in other traditional remedies. The harvesting process includes removal of the crystalline particles from the leaves and wood by which a milky and aromatic product is collected, which is used in the manufacturing process of copal incense. It has multiple benefits such as:

  • Purifies the environment
  • Balances the mind and brings about harmony
  • Increases concentration and helps relax
  • Powerful channel of energies which makes it ideal for meditation
  • Fights stress and insomnia


TIKUNA AMAZON products are obtained and commercialized in a pure and 100% natural origin to native communities and do not contain any type of pesticide, chemical, herbicide or any other substance that is artificial.


The effects of this product are backed by the empirical experience of ancient traditional medicine with excellent results and the absence of harmful side effects if administered within the correct dosage. The information identified here is not in any way an ordinance or a prescription, the use of these natural products does not replace a medical consultation.

Additional information

Weight N/A

100 gr., 200 gr., 400 gr., 50 gr., 800 gr.

2 reviews for COPAL INCENSE (Protium Cubense) 100% Pure Resin

  1. Flor

    Very good for cleaning bad spirits in the home, bad spiritual vibes.

  2. Luisa (Colombia)

    Me gusto mucho el copal, muy bueno para la limpeza en el hogar y el ambiente, gracias.

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