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CHANCAPIEDRA (Phyllanthus Niruri) Powder

(1 customer review)


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Chancapiedra is a natural plant that contains some substances such as lignins, vitamin C, terpenes, triterpenes, tannins and flavonoids, which are considered as powerful natural antioxidants. Therefore this plant could be used to:

Treat and prevent kidney stones, because some studies suggest that their consumption could intervene in the formation of stones, inhibiting their growth and facilitating their elimination through the urine;
Prevent gallstones;
Help reduce fluid retention;
Relieve symptoms of heartburn;
Improve constipation;
Fight viruses, such as hepatitis B, because it inhibits the reproduction of the virus’ DNA;
Fight muscle spasms and act as a muscle relaxant;
Help lower blood sugar by controlling diabetes, hyperinsulinism, and insulin resistance;
Protect the liver from poisoning;
Help control blood pressure by facilitating the elimination of sodium;
Likewise, it could prevent cell damage due to its antioxidant action, being able to prevent certain types of cancer such as lung or breast cancer, for example.

Additional information

Weight N/A

100 gr., 200 gr., 400 gr., 50 gr., 800 gr.

1 review for CHANCAPIEDRA (Phyllanthus Niruri) Powder

  1. frobige

    Super good, thank you very much for sending.

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