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Snuff is a mixture of plants these are toasted and ground whose base is tobacco; Acre in Brazil is the place that has the greatest tradition in monkfish and many varieties.

When monkfish is applied, it must be done with respect on the part of whoever blows it and who receives it and with the consciousness that enters you, an ancestral medicine that possesses the powerful spirit of the mountain, the jungle forest and the spirits healers of each plant.

It is a medicine of the air element and in the blow you receive the blessing of the grandfather. Wind is a very strong medicine that can transfer us to different states depending on its use.

It is put by blowing, through a bamboo straw called a projector, into each of your nostrils, one by one or both in unison; There is also an auto projector so that you can apply it yourself, it must be blown like this, in the two nostrils, to balance the masculine and feminine as the subtle energy channels.

The right fossa (pingala) is linked to the left hemisphere that is responsible for the logical-mathematical analysis is a channel that goes from the base of the spine to the right nose, it is associated with the sympathetic nervous system.

The Left fossa (IDA) is linked to the right hemisphere that is responsible for orientation in space, creativity, psychic perception, intuition, creativity, artistic sensitivity.

The following breath types and their combinations can be used: “Long”, “Short”, “Strong”, “Soft”, “Slow”, “Fast”, “Light” and “Heavy”.

Therefore, how the person who is going to receive it is, the type of breath, the intention of the person who applies it and the amount of monkfish to be projected determine how long you remain in the strength of the sacred tobacco.

What are the properties of Rapé?
Its effects and poisonous are various levels both in the physical body, in mental and psychic state, as well as in the spiritual aspect.

It is very effective in treating respiratory system problems such as sinusitis, rhinitis as it helps to expel dirt, mucus and parasites from the frontal and nasal sinuses.
Healing and antibiotic applied to wounds.
Used in nicotine cessation.
It expels the excess phlegm accumulated caused by food and the particles of all the atmospheric pollution that are stored.
It is also very powerful in treating the digestive system, deworming, cleansing and helps intestinal peristaltic regulation.
It is also antipyretic.
Relieves pressure from the skull.
Eliminates body and headaches, dullness and lightheadedness.

On a psychological level, it treats fears, anxiety.
Calms the mind and stops the internal dialogue by quieting the thoughts, quieting the thoughts and opening the inner silence, providing relaxation and serenity, because the monkfish frees the brain of loads and blockages.
Allow yourself to be present to see beyond your interpretations.
Cleanse, order, and align your energy fields, especially the chakras of the third eye and crown, and from there up and down the spine.
The body relaxes and becomes unstressed when receiving the snuff, leaving it in an excellent state for meditation.
It removes anxieties and other emotions and energies connected to the solar plexus, causing the person to vomit, thus eliminating the dense energies accumulated there.
Useful to treat pressure, obsessive fears, insomnia and anxiety among others.

1 Comment

  1. Great content! Keep up the good work!

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